Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our Honeymoon

Most people would not see the relationship between this picture and a honeymoon.  I bet our family can see the relationship - particularly Christopher and Jennifer!  To make a long story short - which I rarely do - due to mechanical problems with their car Christopher and Jennifer spent their wedding night with their car on the back of a tow truck!  We told Zhenya the story after we hit a large Russian pothole and put a hole in the oil pan!  To put that in context - a large Russian pothole is REALLY large!  There are a LOT of Russian potholes...the roads generally are terrible.  We ended up taking a ride in a Russian tow truck (the driver was embarrassed that his truck was dirty and Americans were riding in it - we were the first Americans he had ever met.  We've ridden in a few American tow trucks and this one was spotless in comparision!) AND an 2 hour long taxi ride AND a 7 1/2 hour bus ride home from Toliatti to Saratov.

We rode near the back of the twenty passenger bus.  We bounced around and by the time we got home we were tired and sore all over.  We've spent today recuperating...all we did is walk to the renok and buy some fruits and veggies and stuff for soup Wednesday.

Zhenya's car is in the shop and he will take the train to Samara this weekend and pick it up.  He gets to drive his Lada the rest of the week.

We love his Lada!

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