Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Walk in the Park

Yesterday we took a walk to a local park so we could take a walk.  I don't get how we walk twenty minutes so we can go for a walk but whatever!  The park is awesome!  Open all year, snow or ice or sun.  Including the carnival rides!  Just got a couple pf pictures of one of the ponds.  Leaves are changing and fall/winter is in the air.  We'll take more pictures of the park when we visit again before it snows. There are lots of carved statues of animals and wizards and stuff and lots of cool benches made of logs.  Really pretty!

Went to a local outdoor fruit market - called a Renok which is a term for Russian marketplaces, not just this one. The one we went to today is close to our apartment and smaller than the one I took pictures of earlier. We met some cool vendors and suspect we will get to know them much better.  These marketplaces are open year round as well. Bought some cool Russian apples - I love apples - and some grapes, including some big, purple ones with seeds. Bought another humongous cabbage. And two pomegranates.

And by the way - Russian bacon rocks!

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