Monday, October 29, 2012


Tonight we had a fun FHE!  Carved jack o'lanterns.  Attached are pictures of them - and some of the group.  The picture of the three girls includes one of Katia - the girl with the long hair in the picture.  She brought two of her friends tonight.  I've also included a picture of the shoes in our front foyer.  In Russia everyone takes off their shoes when they enter a home.  I suspect in winter time they are pretty dirty so probably a good idea.  Sherry made cinnamon rolls and they went through two dozen pretty quickly.  It was a great evening and we had nine YSA in attendance plus six missionaries.  The missionaries are allowed to attend if they bring a non-member who is investigating the church.  I think the cinnamon rolls encourage them!

By the way - Russian pumpkins have way thicker skin than the ones we are used to.

I have a great missionary companion!  She works very hard and is darn nice to live with.

1 comment:

  1. hey how'd you sneak that picture of my hallway in there? Best to y'all, Ric Medley
