Monday, November 26, 2012

Kathy Smith and Spud Nuts & Missionary Discussions

For many years we would stop by Kathy Smith's house on Halloween and she would have hot, fresh spud nuts!  Through the years she taught one hundred bazillion people how to make them.  Sherry never attended one of those training sessions BUT she does have Kathy's recipe.  Here are her results today for tonight's FHE. Spud Nuts are donuts with some mashed potato in the batter.  A lot like Krispy Kreme.  Best eaten hot, of course! Thanks, Kathy!

The missionaries came over today to do their weekly emailing home.  We invited the sisters to lunch since we needed to have a FHE planning session.  Tonight we're going to hand out gift bags with an object in them and they will have a few minutes to come up with a scripture based object lesson.  Then our friend and student Sasha Titorov will have us play a game - Two Lies and a Truth.  The player gets to make three statements about themselves - two of which are false and one is true.  Then everyone has to guess which is which.  Good way to get to know each other.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned the numerous missionary discussions we have in our apartment.  Probably six or seven times a week the sisters and elders bring an investigator over for a lesson.  Sometimes we get to help and sometimes we don't.  Since the church closed our building the missionaries don't have any place to teach except outside somewhere - and it's getting colder and colder!  Having such a nice apartment so centrally located is such a blessing - not only for us but for the missionaries and everyone else who meets here.  We've had lessons this week on the Holy Ghost, Faith and Baptism.  Last week a young man committed to getting baptized December 15th - and he's 19 years old so s a YSA!  Great guy and he's been one of our regular FHE visitors.

So, we do more than cook.  But - buying groceries and preparing food takes up LOTS of our time.  

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